Thursday, July 17, 2008

Microsoft doth protest too much

It seems to be so easy to talk out of two sides of your mouth when you're making billions of dollars. There is something just slightly disengenous about Microsoft's complaints at the hearings on a proposed advertising hook up between Yahoo and Google. For Microsoft to say on Tuesday that the Yahoo/Google combo as "anti-competitive" when they have done so much to crush competition and create as much of a monopoly as they can is outrageous. Then on Wednesday they are meeting with AOL/Time Warner in an effort to ward off Carl Icahn by making another big monopoly. And they have the nerve to call Carl Icahn (whom I totally hate for what he did to the airline industry) an agitator. This is all such maneuvering, it's impossible to fathom.

Who does Microsft think it is fooling? Just be honest and quit crying anti competitive when you practically wrote the book on it.

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