Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Google puts on goggles

With Google's announcement they are getting into the web counting business for advertisers, our privacy is being invaded yet again. The worst part is they won't be charging the advertisers for this service. Maybe we should be used to having every stroke on our keyboard being measured and recorded. But I'm not. I'm glad people are already deleting their cookies but that is hard to remember to do after each site visit.

The move is a deeper intrusion into not only our buying habits, our grazing habits and our personal information such as age, gender and income. Advertisers should be wary of someone who you are spending your money with telling you how and where to spend it. Google is moving to the adviser role and that could be dangerous for monopolistic reasons.

It also ignores the web site visitor. Pass the savings onto the consumers at the site. Give incentives to consumers for visiting a site! Problem is, then advertisers wouldn't trust the data they were getting because they wouldn't know whether the visitor came for their company or for Google.

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