Sunday, June 8, 2008

Atlantic Monthly Article

I'll be writing about the article in the just released Atlantic Monthly magazine entitled "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" I hope to share some insights with all of you.


J.Austin said...

Amy - Your blog is beautiful. So elegant. I enjoyed reading your comments. I for one am not worried about the future of education. Young scholars no longer wear togas while they are schooled on marble steps. Parchment scrolls crumbled away long ago. Yet, we continue to produce some of the most brilliant minds in the world using crayons and computers, even if sometimes the Paintbox is digital.

Almost Left Behind said...

We do continue to produce brilliant minds and that is exhilerating. I'm worried the brilliant minds, as in the movie of the same name, won't be able to function in society without basic skills such as handwriting, basic counting (not on a computer) and other basic skills.